Ethical Corporate Management
Sixxon Tech.
The Company takes internal audit unit as the dedicated unit to promote the ethical management policies, and the internal audit supervisor as the convener. Based on the work responsibilities and scope of each unit, it is responsible for assisting the Board of Directors and management levels to formulate and supervise the implementation of ethical management policies and prevention plans to prevent the occurrence of dishonest behavior and ensure the implementation of the ethical management policies code.
2024 relevant implementation status:
Sixxon Tech. conducts the business activities in a fair and honest manner. Before engaging in business dealings, the Company shall consider the legitimacy and reputation of the business partner, avoid doing business with parties with a history of dishonest behavior, and include good faith clauses in contracts signed with others.
The board of directors of the Company shall explain the important matters of its own interests. If there is a possibility of causing harm to the interests of the Company, it may state its opinions and answer questions, but shall not participate in discussions and votes, and shall abstain from discussions and votes, and shall not exercise the voting rights on behalf of other directors.
In order to implement ethical management and ethical behavior, the Company held education and training on related topics in for a total of 10 people and 20 hours.
If you find or suspect any unethical conduct or breach of Sixxon Tech.’s ethical standards by an Sixxon Tech. employee or anyone representing Sixxon Tech., please contact us: